For such a sweet pussy too small cock. Although, when I saw it initially, I thought that the guy had a very small penis. But once he's fully erect, he's a steady medium. Now, I believe that the penetration was not because of the size of the client's penis. If it had been bigger, the masseuse would have had the guts to penetrate herself, but as it was, I just had to settle for a brief 69.
Developing an ass for a friend? What a great excuse to put a chopper in his neighbor's asshole. Well, it's practically no cheating to help a neighbor out. Now her hole is slippery, accessible and fit for any size. Don't the rest of the girl's prophylactic charms need kneading? Because I'm ready to like her on social media and join in as a friend. Friend sex is so awesome!
♪ Cum, girls, who wants a lick ♪